Delight Dental Care
Teeth Replacement
Plastic partial dentures are less expensive to make. But unless they are designed very carefully they can damage the teeth they fit against.
You can also get flexible plastic dentures. These dentures do not need clasps as they are held in place by flexing against your natural teeth.
Metal partial dentures are usually from an alloy of cobalt and chromium and they are much stronger. They are lighter to wear and can be supported by the remaining teeth. Although the base is metal, they have gum-coloured plastic and natural-looking teeth fixed to them. They are more expensive than the plastic ones.


Better Services for
your Teeth

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Complete Dentures
Replacing lost or missing teeth is very good for your health and appearance. A complete or full denture replaces your natural teeth and gives support to your cheeks and lips. Without this support, sagging facial muscles can make a person look older and they will find it harder to eat and speak properly.
Dentures can be made to closely match your natural teeth so that your appearance hardly changes. Modern dentures may even improve the look of your smile and help to fill out the appearance of your face.

Dental Implant

Teeth Whitening

Childrens Dentistry